Despite being within two weeks of her daughter's wedding AND having her sister in town, Beryl put together an amazing get-together at her house for our discussion of The Shoemaker's Wife. Sadly, we liked Beryl's fabulous brisket and our chance to see each other much more than we liked the book.
Interestingly, the comparison that came up for this book was Jane Eyre, because of all the unlikely coincidences that threw the two main characters together, despite the continents and circumstances that separated them. Jane Eyre came out much the better for the comparison however, as both the writing and the characters were unconvincing.
One thing that several people mentioned is how the mother and brother just disappeared from the emotional context of the book. Despite being described as close and important relationships, once they fulfilled their plot purpose, poof, gone! No pesky emotional hangovers, no future concern, just over and done with. It certainly made me think that I didn't want the (of course handsome and charming) Ciro as my friend.
Those who were lucky enough to read this book while at the beach did like it, because it was an easy and relatively entertaining read that didn't take any effort. There is always room for that and since Carl Hiaasen's Skinny Dip is among our book club reads, no one is casting stones at a good beach read. I just think there are better ones.
And now on to a horse of a different color (I just got a new one, horse that is, and couldn't help myself) we now tackle Don Quixote. Over the past couple of days people have been giving me page updates, as in "what page are you on, I am on ..." There are those among us who may not finish this epic in time for our next meeting which is on September 11, 6:30 at the Blue Goat.
My suggestion is that we forge ahead and just urge everyone to come no matter where they are in the book. If anyone feels otherwise, weigh in so we can consider alternatives. Otherwise, see you then, and please Beryl bring pictures of the wedding!